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The Answers You’ve Been Looking For


Will my insurance cover my visit?

Each provider covers different benefits depending on your plan.  We will check your insurance to determine if you have coverage, deductibles or co-pays.  We have payment plans for families who have to pay out of pocket.

Can my child participate in group therapy during the pandemic?

If parents are interested in group therapy, 
we will obtain a waiver from both families and children will be allowed to participate with all COVID-19 best practices enforced.

How do I know if my child has a speech and or language problem?

Here are some signs that may help to determine if you need to make an appointment:
1. He/she says only a few words (12-18 months)
2. Doesn't put together words to make sentences (1 1/2 - 3years)
3. Your child has difficult with reading and writing skills in school (5-14 years)

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